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Sunday, May 28, 2006

New ComicRack Forum

I've added a user forum for ComicRack.
You know I'm a little old school. I still remember when there was no free file hosting, free blogs and free forums.
Wonder if all this one-click stuff actually works :)


Just noted that the ReadMe.txt in the install is still the one from the test zip. Simply ignore the unpacking and .NET downloading stuff. The new installer takes care of this now.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

ComicRack V 0.9

So this is the first "real" public release. It has still some unfinished GUI elements like the missing editor for handling file extensions in the Preferences Dialog.
It's been the first time I used the NSIS install system. Previously I had only experience with the full blown InstallShield (which I do not have at home) and the built in setup generator in Visual Studio 2005 does not work because of this. As usual anything short of reinstalling the whole OS does not solve the funny stuff in windows.
So I fell back to NSIS and HM NIS Edit as the setup project editor. For such small projects with just a few files to distribute I can only recommend this combination.
And as this is my first blog, I wonder if there's any spelling correction running somewhere :)


In this blog I plan to keep track of the development of ComicRack, a reader for electronic Comics.
Have fun :)