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Thursday, October 26, 2006

ComicRack v.0.9.14 released

Various bug fixes and some nice new features made it into this one :)

Main feature of course is the new magnifier to quickly and locally zoom into the mouse location.
The Search Browser is now customizable. So no longer sticking to Genre/Writer/Series.
Also this release comes with a default genre list. The list is stored in the file genres.txt and can be adapted to your needs. If someone makes a better default list, head over to the forums and post yours.

Build 0.9.14:

  • NEW: Search Browser has now selectable columns (Genre, Year, Penciller etc)
  • NEW: Magnifier Tool
  • NEW: Default Genre list taken from Genre.txt
  • CHANGE: Small changes in News Reader Dialog
  • CHANGE: Faster disk cache initialization on startup
  • CHANGE: Mousewheel has same behavior as up/down keys
  • CHANGE: Column headers have now the same alignment as the column
  • BUG: Fixed missing image size in page display for PDF files
  • BUG: Fixed shortcut for full screen command
  • BUG: Selection bug in Search Browser
  • BUG: Search Browser was empty when initially visible
  • BUG: Shutdown exception till the first time a folder in Eplorer View got selected. This basically lead to not being able to store some preferences
  • BUG: Network sharing had problems with multiple nics in the server
  • BUG: Fixed Font bug in textboxes