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Monday, April 30, 2007

ComicRack v 0.9.43 released

This one brings a language property for eComics, better high quality thumbnails and a detailed and variable control for the magnifier.

Build 0.9.43:
  • NEW: Language Property for eComics
  • NEW: Detailed Magnifier Control (width, height, opaque, zoom)
  • CHANGE: Much better multi resolution handling for thumbnails
  • CHANGE: Added "Unspecified" entries to the Search Browser
  • CHANGE: Added "Imprint" to Search Browser
  • CHANGE: Dropdowns in Comic Dialogs are now sized appropriately
  • BUG: Fixed Double Click on Browser Arrows in the Reader
  • BUG: Changed tooltip texts for browser buttons
  • BUG: Fixed stack close button for long stack names
  • BUG: Fixed eaten click in Magnifier
  • BUG: Browser arrows in preview
  • BUG: When preview was in zoom mode next/previous button actually did part navigation
as always

Sunday, April 22, 2007

ComicRack v 0.9.42 released

This one brings a new readme.txt (thanks to clcii), dynamic left/right browsing arrows in the Reader and the proper open/save/browser dialogs on Vista.

Build 0.9.42:
  • NEW: Proper File Open/Save Dialogs in Vista
  • NEW: Proper Folder Browser Dialogs in Vista
  • NEW: Vista Dialogs have links to Library/Favorites
  • NEW: Dynamic paging arrows in the reader (move mouse to middle of left/right border)
  • CHANGE: Renamed the format names in file save/close
  • CHANGE: Magnifier is now fully opaque
  • CHANGE: Adapted navigation icons to new navigation overlay
  • CHANGE: Removed Animation option from Preferences
  • BUG: Fixed "jumping cursor" in quick search
  • BUG: Fixed wrong key name "Next" for "PageDown" in Keyboard preferences

Sunday, April 15, 2007

ComicRack v 0.9.41 released

Day of the three releases. Hope this does not mean the end of the world is near :)

Build 0.9.41:
  • NEW: Option to enable/disable the navigation bar
  • BUG: Final Fix for the auto hiding of the navigation bar

ComicRack v 0.9.40 released

Just for the heck of it, why not switch to hourly releases :)

A quick check of the latest build showed some bugs (yes i check this stuff after i put it on the web :P), so i decided to make the fastest release in ComicRack history.

Build 0.9.40:
  • BUG: Fixed tab sequence in page editor
  • BUG: Fixed missing click positioning on the navigation bar
  • BUG: Fixed keyboard focus problem when navbar auto hides

ComicRack v 0.9.39 released

This release brings full resolution thumbnails (and when i mean full res i mean full res :)),
a page editor for the Comic Book dialog (allows to do some basic sorting, typing of pages)
and a dynamic navigation bar for the reader to browse pages with the mouse and without switching to the browser.

Build 0.9.39:
  • NEW: Full resolution Thumbnails (better looking and better performance)
  • NEW: Very basic page editor in Comic Book dialog with option to reset page sequence
  • NEW: Navigation Bar for all pages at bottom of reader (shows when mouse it moved to bottom)
  • CHANGE: Renamed "Sync Browser" to "Show in Browser"
  • CHANGE: "Show in Browser" shows the browser if currently hidden
  • CHANGE: Finally fixed the ugly resize flickering of the library/files treeview
  • BUG: Fixed mouse selection performance problem introduced with stacking (0.9.38)
  • BUG: Fixed changing of viewmode when selecting Read/Unread etc in view menu (introduced in 0.9.28)
  • BUG: Fixed shadow border for browsers
as always
have fun

Monday, April 09, 2007

ComicRack v 0.9.38 released

Big changes for this release are stacking of books into groups and ordering smartlists/folders in the library tree.

Grab it while it's hot and still has all the bugs in it :)

Build 0.9.38:
  • NEW: Stacking of eComic Thumbnails in the list
  • NEW: Sync Browser Command
  • NEW: Positional drag&drop in smartlist tree (allows to change order)
  • CHANGE: Multiple Comics Editor has count in the caption
  • CHANGE: Changed the order of the Group/Arrange buttons in the listbar
  • BUG: Page Type Menu was available in reader/page list even if eComic was remote
  • BUG: Fixed wrong font in library tabs

Monday, April 02, 2007

ComicRack v 0.9.37 released

Yes i know...
Too much, too fast...

This should solve most of the issues with the 0.9.36 Build.

Build 0.9.37:
  • NEW: Page Type selector in the Reader Context Menu
  • CHANGE: Title now sorts by Title/Volume/Number
  • BUG: Side Pane view state was not stored
  • BUG: Severe bug in how reordered/deleted pages where NOT handles during convert
  • BUG: Broke "Open last page" in 0.9.36
  • BUG: Various bugs in exporters
  • BUG: Broke direct navigation (double click) in Pages list if some pages where hidden in 0.9.36

Sunday, April 01, 2007

ComicRack v 0.9.36 released

This version finally brings the batch conversion of eComics to PDF/CBZ format.

Another big new feature is reordering pages and that the reader uses the current selected Page Filter for navigation. This means you can make specific types of pages "invisible" during reading.

As always here's the complete list of changes::

  • NEW: Added statusbar animation for background file updates
  • NEW: Added check if some background tasks are still running when closing ComicRack
  • NEW: Added position marker when manually reordering a list with drag&drop (sort by position, grouping turned off)
  • NEW: Reordering of pages
  • NEW: Page Filter is now also used in the Reader (allowes to hide curtain types of pages)
  • NEW: Batch conversion of eComics to CBZ/PDF format
  • CHANGE: Added a deleted flag to pages
  • CHANGE: New statusbar animation while scanning eComics
  • CHANGE: Nicer cover images for the delete dialog
  • CHANGE: smaller line heights in detail mode
  • CHANGE: Column separators in detail mode
  • CHANGE: PDF/CBZ export does not export pages flagged as deleted and dose honor any page reordering
  • CHANGE: New overlay image for missing/deleted pages
  • BUG: Volume Group Headers where off by 1
  • BUG: Fixed column autosize for Rating and State
  • BUG: When grouped, last items in list where out of scrolling range (introduced in 0.9.34)
  • BUG: Adding eComics to the Library did not read the Page count (introduced in 0.9.34)
  • BUG: Ctrl+Wheel did not work in Page List
  • BUG: Fixed wrong vertical scrollbar in lists
  • BUG: Remove files did not work as expected in the files list
  • BUG: Fixed locking of eComic files in some special cases