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Monday, May 28, 2007

ComicRack v 0.9.49 released

Finally some workspace management.
So no more fiddling to get ComicRack right for your current operation mode (library browsing, two page reading etc.). But this feature broke the current storing of the GUI settings, so ComicRack will start with the defaults after this install.

I also changed all the global keyboard shortcuts to make them easier, more consistent and to reduce the 3-key monsters.

For the details, as always the LIST OF CHANGES :)

Build 0.9.49:
  • NEW: Workspace management
  • NEW: Export current page image to various formats
  • NEW: Option to autohide Magnifier when mouse is near border (default is on)
  • CHANGE: Sort folders in folder view
  • CHANGE: ZIP provider buffer size to 128KB
  • CHANGE: Lock toolbar now also locks the open files tab
  • CHANGE: Added keyboard shortcuts for the open files
  • CHANGE: Changing the Browser tab will correctly set the focus to the list
  • CHANGE: reassignment of all the general key shortcuts to avoid 3-key combinations
  • CHANGE: Open Previous/Next eComic from list now compensates for reverse sorting order
  • BUG: Blurred drawing of still loading pages broken (introduced in 0.9.48)
  • BUG: Wrong remove dialog in the main library list (introduced in 0.9.48)
  • BUG: When closing Browser, focus was not moved to the Reader
  • BUG: The "Show..." commands in "Browse" could brake the GUI (nobody using them?)
  • BUG: Viewer kept focus even when browser docking was "Fill"